CET Preparation

CET Preparation

CET Preparation 

Before you read further; I am not insane, nor am I showing you false hope of moving your scores from 100 to 130; we are surely going to talk about strategy & hard work which can rejuvenate the task of MBA CET – How to improve score becomes a walk in the park. This is a quite difficult but achievable task. This article will help in doing your CET Preparation.

First of all, congratulations to you for making/getting 100+ in your MBA CET Mock tests, you are doing much better than students who are still stuck at a score between 70-80s. Ok now that you are feeling better about the score; let’s jump to the main points:

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How to do MBA CET Preparation 2022

Well, some of you may say, yeah we know this from time immemorial. But, you need to understand this; if you are scoring 100 in a mock, you can’t increase your scores to 130 immediately unless the Goddess of wisdom has some bias towards you. So what is an ideal jump you should be aiming at?

There is no standard, but you should look at an increase of 5 marks with every mock you take. So if you are scoring 100 it will take 6 mocks for you to reach a score of 130. Wow, it’s easier said than done, I wish I could end this article here. But there is more to it, this only helps us draw our rule no. 1 which is:

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Rule I: Every mock you take should see a positive change of at least 5 marks. 

A perfect execution plan:

Ok, now that we know what needs to be achieved; we shall now focus on How it can be achieved. First of all, remember nothing comes easy; you will have to slog yourself for every extra mark from one mock to another. Although the expected dates of MAH CET 2022 are given on the website itself. But let’s just assume that you are reading this article 15 days before the exam you have your  MBA CET exam date, the last days before CET should be kept for revision, keeping that in mind. Let’s help you out with scoring more marks in a limited time.

Day 1: Analyse the last 2 mocks you took: 

Ok, now many of you don’t know how to analyze a mock; when I say analyze the mocks; it doesn’t just mean that you check the ones that you got wrong and the ones that you got right and move ahead. You need to analyze the mocks from 3 perspectives:

  • Critical Analysis
  • Sectional Analysis
  • Booster / Positive Analysis

Rule II: In-depth Analysis is the key to your success. 

Also Read: 10 Tips to crack CET

I know many of you get depressed by a low score and thus are mentally not ready to go into the deep-dive analysis of the mocks. For such students, the last type of analysis is an injection of confidence. Let’s understand what needs to be done in each of the analyses.

  • Critical Analysis: In this get after all the unattended questions (questions for which you randomly marked the answers) and the ones you got wrong. This will help in 3 ways:
    • It will help you understand if there was some simple question; which you could have done right
    • If you have not missed out on a section, which otherwise was easy
    • You may get the same/similar question in the CET exam that you could have solved just because you learned the approach in this mock
  • Sectional Analysis: Understand your strengths & weaknesses in this analysis; I have seen many students who tell Quants is their weakness and they shun away from the topic altogether.  But they are killing the scope of solving those easy questions in doing so. In CET out of 10 questions on quants, 5 will be lengthy i.e. you can’t solve them in 45-50 seconds however the other 5 will be easy and formula based so if you know your formula well you can solve them.
  • Booster / Positive Analysis: This is important since many of us in the lure of analyzing the weaknesses forget to evaluate our strengths. But, you may argue, I am already getting them right. That’s a lazy way of looking at them, by analyzing you are also revising them; making it really thorough in your mind.

So at the end of Day 1, you must have analyzed over 400 questions (and have your notes ready too with the analysis), wow isn’t that awesome?

Day 2: Mock 1/6

  • Revise notes you created on day 1
  • Before starting the mock; stare into the mirror and tell that person you are scoring 110+ in this one. Many people undermine the power of this technique but this is highly effective. Trust it once and give it a try; I am sure it will work.
  • Once done with the mock; go do a postmortem analysis of the same.

There will be 2 possible outcomes, one being you have scored 105 & the other you have not. In case you don’t score or see the 5 mark increase (chances of which are slim if you have done 400 questions on Day 1), try to figure out a reason during the analysis.

The above can be termed as your Operating Rhythm (you will come to know more about this post your MBA); but in a nutshell, it can be called the timetable in corporate terms.

Rule III: Don’t break the Operating Rhythm. 

Day 3 to Day 7:

  • Revise updated notes
  • Mirror exercise
  • Once done with the mock; go do a postmortem analysis of the same.

By this time your notes will be with critical tips & analysis of over 1600 questions. 

Day 8,9: Revise the hell out of all the notes & important questions, just as if you will not get a chance to revise in the future.

Rule IV: Revise like it is the last time. 

Day 10: Take one last mock & do a postmortem analysis. No pressure while taking this mock; just take it as a quiz or a game that you love to play. Remember good batsmen also perish under pressure; so we need not take any.

Rule V: Take the last mock just for fun

Day 11 & 12: Do an aggressive revision of all the mocks & important questions

Day 13: Glance through the revision books & relax, everything will fall in place.

Day 14: Revise the formulas from your formula book and just look at the important concept.

Day 15: It is the time to relax and on the exam day give your Best Shot

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Choosing a Training Centre for MBA CET PreparationFor students planning to crack CET, and require the right set of resources to capitalize upon, choosing the right Coaching Centre is as important as choosing the right book or the right teacher for MBA CET Strategy. Coaching provides an ecosystem for a student to study and therefore choosing the right coaching is the most important step. However, the difficulty lies in selecting the best coaching Centre out of so many options available.

Also Read: How to prepare for CET in one month

I will try my best to remain objective and not biased in suggesting the right coaching Centre for CET exam preparation. Before that, it is important to know, the purpose behind joining such institutes or coaching Centres. Following introspection is important for everyone before joining any institute. Why do you want to join the coaching Centre? Are you looking for a full-time course or just a test series? Can you give your time and efforts to the coaching pedagogy? After doing the introspection, you will be in a better position to select the coaching which fits you and will help you in cracking CET Exam.

Some of the points you should look for in a Coaching Institute before joining are the following:

  1. Faculty
  2. Competition
  3. Test Series
  4. Time and Location
  5. Affordability

Faculty: One of the most important factors in deciding the right Coaching Center would be to know the faculty member. Their experience and knowledge are something which will help you in your preparation.

Remember, the student would only perform better if he/she is provided with the right guidance and mentorship. Surely, these are something that has to come from the faculty.

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Competition: Have you ever wondered, why a student engages more with the coaching Centre which provides better competition. The reason is that the student would be better able to know where he/she stands, only if the quality and quantity of students are more. Number stud agents participating in a test series will give you a more accurate percentile and better analysis.

Test Series: Before joining a Coaching Center for the CET exam, it would be better to give a free mock test or get a demo from that Coaching. This will help you understand the level of difficulty of the test series they offer, and whether their difficulty level is matching the actual difficulty level of the CET exam.

Test series with either too difficult mocks or too easy mocks as compared to the actual CET exam wouldn’t help students in performing better in the actual CET Exam.


Time and Location: If you are someone who is doing a job currently, but who is also looking to join CET coaching, then you will want your timings to match with the Coaching timings. Also if you are someone who is living outside Mumbai, you will want the location of coaching to be in proximity to your location and not inside Mumbai.

Therefore, Time and location plays a huge role in deciding which Coaching fits you the best

Affordability: Last but not least, you will want the fees of a CET coaching institute to be such that it is in your budget. Some Coaching institutes like CATKing offer to customize plans for their students.

Programs like CET Basic, CET Advance, CET Turbo, and CET mocks helps students in deciding the appropriate plan as per the available time and budget.

Also Read: CAT vs CET

MAH- CET Exam Syllabus

MAH-CET Exam has four sections:

For Detail syllabus Also Read: MBA CET Syllabus 

  1. Visual Reasoning
  2. Verbal Ability
  3. Logical Reasoning
  4. Quantitative Aptitude

MAH CET SectionsImportant Topics
Logical Reasoning & Abstract ReasoningLinear & Circular Arrangement, Series Completion, Coding, Symbol-based Comparison, Venn Diagram, Blood Relations
Quantitative AptitudeAlgebra, Ratio & Proportion, Percentage,Data Comparison,Data Sufficiency Mensuration, Time & Work, Probability
Verbal Ability and Reading ComprehensionGrammar, Sentence Completion,Sentence correction Synonyms, Antonyms, Reading Comprehension and Vocabulary

There are thousands of CET coaching in the state of Maharashtra itself, but only a few of them give special attention to CET Preparation. Few big names like TIME, Career Launcher, IMS, and CATKing give equal attention to all the exams. Talking about CATKing, it has 5 Centres in Mumbai and has 1 center in Pune and therefore its overall presence in Mumbai gives it a competitive edge over other coaching centers. The coaching provides customized study plans for the CET exam which helps students to focus entirely on CET. Workshops, Live Video Sessions, Lectures, and Mentorship helps students to perform better.

Also Read: How to crack LR in MBA CET      

On the other hand, there is a local coaching Centre that is only based in some parts of Maharashtra and which focuses on the CET exam. The best example is CATKing which essentially focuses on CET. Other examples include Paathshaala, Prayas, Vidyalankar, Pace, Brilliance, Etc. These are mainly based in Maharashtra.

Cracking the CET exam can help you in getting TOP B schools like JBIMS, SIMSREE, K.J.Somaiya, therefore it is really important to select the right coaching Centre to begin your preparation in the most effective way.

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