What is the difference between SAT test-optional and test blind?

What is the difference between SAT test-optional and test blind?

What is the difference between SAT test-optional and test blind? Study abroad

Have you been preparing for the SAT as well? Is it in alignment with your Study Abroad plan? Are you planning on taking the test on December 5th?. If, like a zillion others you have plans of studying abroad specifically in the US. You might want to enlighten yourself as to whether or not your college has a policy of which SAT types: test-optional or test blind. Remember it is of utmost importance to know your policies in and out while selecting a college for your undergraduate degree. If you are a student having study abroad plans, you should definitely consider taking the test.


What is the SAT?

SAT is like that in the inevitable visiting card that you are required to take along with you by entering a venue. Without which you will not be allowed entrance. It is one of the most common test scores that most colleges in the US require. Not only does it give you a red signal to enter a college but also provides a plethora of scholarship opportunities if you go really well in it. It is the first step of manifesting your study abroad plans into reality.

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Types of SAT

SAT: SAT is basically a test that assesses students verbal mathematical and written skills. The test is for students who are essentially seeking admission to an undergraduate School and are considering study abroad plans.

SAT Subject:
If you are seeking admission for a particular program on your subject knowledge. the test will assess your strength on subjects like chemistry, physics, teacher, calculus, biology etc.

Once you sat for the test and have garnered a good score, you can now start applying to various schools of your choice. The ones that you may have considered for your study abroad plans.

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Test- Optional
Now there are plenty of schools and colleges that have kept the test-optional. However one must keep in mind that if there are two applicants with similar profiles. The one with the SAT test score will be considered. So it is always a good option to sit for the test even if you later decide not to show it on your profile.

However, schools that keep the test-optional always put a higher voltage on the student’s academic records. Then comes your extracurricular activities. so if you have a strong academic background and a good extracurricular activities list. you might want to consider colleges and schools that have test-optional. On the other hand, if you are confident that you can score well, you should definitely consider colleges that consider the test. It will help you manifest your study abroad plans into reality, soon.

Some of such top test-optional universities are as follows:

  • Princeton University
  • Harvard University
  • Columbia University
  • MIT
  • Yale University
  • Stanford University
  • UChicago
  • UPenn


Test blind schools contrarily I’m not at all interested in once SAT scores. They are indifferent to it and will not consider it even if you show them on your profile. Say you get a perfect SAT score of 1600, you will not be able to show it off.

However, a few colleges have customised their admission policy. They may not consider the score depending on the fact whether you want to show it or not.

Test plan policy and schools are very rare though.
polio news channels like the US News and World report wood abandon test blind schools and colleges. However, it is not the same now. they have aggressively started considering such colleges. Which only gives a green signal to such colleges to adopt such test blind policies.

What is the difference between SAT test-optional and test blind?

Few of the top test line colleges are as follows:

  • Cal State Fullerton, Fullerton, CA
  • Cal Maritime, Vallejo, CA
  • California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA
  • California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA
  • Cal State East Bay, Hayward, CA
  • CS Los Angeles, CA
  • C.S Long Beach

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Should I still appear for the SAT?

If study abroad plants are not improved test line schools, you should definitely consider taking the standardized test. It is always a better option to vote for the test it will help to prove your credibility.

One way of deciding if you should submit your school or not. if your score falls within 60 points of the 25th percentile result for accept candidates you may submit your score.

Subject Test Blind

if you are planning to study abroad. and have colleges in your wishlist that consider test scores. you should definitely consider taking the test. as less than 2% of US, schools give importance to subject tests.

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