What did the Forbes top 50 so study?-Study Abroad

What did the Forbes top 50 so study?-Study Abroad

study abroadAll of us have to study abroad plans! A lot of us have study abroad dreams. A lot of us want to make an impact on the world. Every one of us has a purpose. Most of us want to achieve our dreams. And make it big. Most of our dreams include heading an entire company or MNC. To become a CEO. However the quest to become a CEO. That too to be among the top 50. It is definitely not that easy. However, nothing is impossible.

If you look at the statistics and facts. You will see a pattern. Now it is of utmost importance to analyse the pattern. Especially if you are someone with study abroad plans. We are starting to look deeper into the data. Analyse the correlation between these colleges and degrees ( both undergraduate and graduate). We noticed a trend. Which fever diverge to you in no time. It’s time for you to shine. It is time for you to make your study abroad dreams into reality.

So what was out of findings? Let’s see:

You be surprised to know that an MBA is not the only route to success.
Yes, 20% of them hold a prestigious MBA degree from a well-known college. But that is not the case with everybody. A staggering 52% do not have an MBA degree at all. No degree. No study abroad plans. Get they made it big I am so can you?

However, it is important to royal eyes that MBA degree may not be everything. It may not be the only route to success. But it still a very very imperative part of the ladder to success. It brings to you a plethora of opportunities. The trend also reveals that a lot of MBA graduates go on to find their own companies. And become so thereafter. Some go into policymaking. Some go into teaching.

If you are not convinced yet. Take the example of Mark Zuckerberg, Steve jobs even Bill gates. None of them holds an MBA degree.

So it also implies that pursuing an MBA from a reputed college. Definitely gives you a great chance of becoming one of the world’s top CEOs. Does the statistics show that a good 20% of Forbes 50 so definitely have an MBA from the top 10 schools? However, 28% have an MBA from a school right outside the top 10. This is also a reason that is always advised to the students. Having study abroad plans. To get into the top 10 colleges. But even if you cannot get into the top 10 colleges. You may work hard in whatever college you get in. And manifest your study abroad plans into reality.

Remember when it comes to Forbes 56 years list. Diversity is the key. After all, a good 52% did not have an MBA degree. A lot of those who have never gone into top business schools. account among the best engineers economists public policy experts and even healthcare professionals.

It has also been observed that in about 80% of cases the graduate school is of a high profile than the undergraduate School. One common trait that is found in all of the CEOs. Is consistency and continuous learning. Both of these are imperative to climb the ladder of success.

So now that we know the statistics. We also know that there is hope for anyone and everyone. Whether you’re planning to study abroad or within your country. As long as you work hard and get into a grade School you will definitely achieve your dreams. You will it take me to be in the top 50 companies on the Forbes 500.

However, you must keep in mind that these trends are long-term trends. It is very easy to find transient data. That cannot be relied upon for a long time. However whatever we discussed our long-term trends. And I definitely here to stay.

If you would like to manifest your study abroad plans into reality. You may visit our website:https://old1.catking.in/

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