Target JBIMS- 3 months to CET exam

Target JBIMS- 3 months to CET exam

Target JBIMS- 3 months to CET exam

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In order to crack the CET exam and go to JBIMS, the cutoff lies between 99.95%ile. Coming in proximity to the goals, one must follow real CET full-length mocks.

How to analyze the mocks?

The next step after giving the mocks is to analyze them. This step must be non-negotiable. The paper pattern is such that there are 200 questions in a total of which 145 should be the target. The initial goal should start with touching 100 correct questions at least once throughout the preparation. Now one thing most students do is guesswork during the mocks. We urge you to avoid doing it, and be as strict as it can be when you attempt a mock or any exam, for that matter. More like Smart guessing could be done in the exam to better the performance.

Another Approach

Another way to analyze the mock is to do your SWOT analysis listing the following factors:

  • Strengths- Questions that you always get correct. Identify & Kill these topics first and take it to the moon.
  • Weaknesses- Topics where you always Go wrong.
  • Opportunities- Topics that you don’t know but are easy and can be learned.
  • Threats- The SILLY mistakes, these are blunders.


Make an excel sheet for this. If sum total of your correctly attempted questions will be 100 in the mock test, then it’s okay. Now make it 110, then 120 until you reach 140, the progress needs to be gradual yet consistent.

Only get 10 questions correct every month which means 3 to 3.5 questions correct in 10 days. This means the addition of 10 new topics every month. Now see why questions are getting wrong and solve them, accordingly. Make 2 kinds of lists:

List 1- Topics that are your strengths.

List 2- Those that are problem topics.

List 3- Topics in which you make Silly Mistakes. These are Danger Zones.

You should keep moving topics from list 2 to list 1 every 10 days for 99%ile. Check your silly mistakes & anxiety levels that would drop you on a score of 5/10 instead of 10/10 on the actual exam paper.


The goal from List 1 is to score 100 correct questions. Now, from lists, 1,2,3 target must be to add topics from these to the correct questions list i.e. your strengths. Make 100 to 105 scores in a month and continue to increase. In your 1st mock- score 100 minimum then increase to 105 in the next mock attempted within 10 days.


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