How to create a good Resume | MS Applications

How to create a good Resume | MS Applications

study abroad

If you are planning to study abroad. Or are thinking to start your preparation for GMAT. A resume platform to the candidate to showcase there best side. A resume tells a story about the candidate. It is much more than you think. Not only does it include your skills and GPA but it also tells a story. Your story. Does if you are planning study abroad or start your preparation for GMAT. Make sure you have a well-crafted resume beforehand.

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Important features of an academic resume:

1) Length

This is one imperative parameter of crafting a good resume. Make sure your resume is not more than one page. It is always ideal to keep within this length as it is appealing to the eye.

2) Fonts

This is another imperative parameter of crafting a good resume. it is always ideal to use the standard Times New Roman Or Arial as your font style. Remember your font size should vary between 11-12 points. While you’re doing your preparation for GMAT. You will be required to practice your essays. You can use this phone style and size in the make it habit.

3) Language

It always desires with us formal and business English. While crafting a resume. remember your resume should always be grammatical errors free. you don’t want your study abroad plans to be ruined simply because of grammatical errors. Do you?

4) Structure

Like all the other mentioned parts. This part is also of utmost importance. especially if you are planning to study abroad or start your preparation for GMAT. There should be of slow information in your resume. Information should not be dispersed or scattered.

5) Formatting

Make sure your texts always it wasn’t from left to right margins.
Make sure your text equidistant and consistently formatted.
Always use subheadings and bullet points to format your text.
Avoid using tacky colours and gaudy backgrounds. You don’t want to decorate your resume in that manner. When it comes to resume remember less is more.

6) Purchase of your resume.

your resume should ignite the interest in the admission committee members for you. It should be appealing to the eyes and interesting to read. It should be like a mini trailer of an interesting movie. that would make the watcher even more interested in watching the movie

7) List of achievements

If you are planning to study abroad or are doing preparation for GMAT. You must know that your resume or cv is your personal salesman. it markets your skills and achievements to the admission committee.

8) Proofreading

This is another important aspect of your resume. remember it will only take 10 seconds for the admissions committee to the size you up by looking at your resume. So the first impression is the last impression quite literally over here. you don’t want your study abroad plans to be ruined, do you?

9) No falls information

To summit up, it is a cat most important that you do not furnish anymore sleeping or wrong information in your resume. Not only is it an undertaker but also and awful in wars countries. I hope this helps you to manifest your study abroad dreams into reality. And start your preparation for GMAT. All the best.

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