Journey from Kolkata to Mica
Mica Ahmedabad is one of the best B-school and is known for the updated curriculum,the independence,the creativity and their policy of students first.Mica is a unique institute not because of the academic field but the main reason of it being at the position it is now is the diversity they have and also because every student is creative in their own specific way.
What better way to know about the Mica journey other than a Mican himself
Snehel Chakraborty

Journey of Snehel Chakroborty from Kolkata to Mica
Snehel appeared for Micat 2 at a time when he went back to kolkata after a series of interviews.Luckily he received the interview call letter from the distinguished institution.Even though he got a call from this prestigious institute he still had not secured his position completely in this prestigious institution.The curriculum and the selection process is completely different in comparison with other B-schools. Micat also known as the most unpredictable examination so there was alot of unknown factor.
What helped you or played a major role for your Micat conversion?
Since the Micat examinations consist a lot of unknown factor there was a lot of confusion.There were hardly any courses available for Mica be it offline or online courses.After searching a lot for guidance for Micat GE/PI sessions I came across a full fledged Micat course provided by CATking. After enrolling for the online mock GE/PI session I got a lot of perspective as to how we should prepare and what things to tell and to not mention during the interview.

What were some of the important factors that this course at Catking provided?
- SOP’s were individually rated by Rahul Singh who is a Harvard Scholar and S.P Jain alumni.
- Two of the current Mican’s also helped with the process.
- Few insights regarding this B-school and specialization.
- The guidance was very helpful on the D-DAY
Fulfill your dream of getting into MICA
What would you suggest the future Mica Aspirants?
- There are very less number of courses available for Mica and those which are available are not worth a single penny and that is my personal experience.
- So if you are enrolling for any of these courses make sure that the people conducting the course know about the college properly.
- At CATKing they provided me a total different perspective and that is very beneficial.
- One gets this only when they know the college and what are they looking for in their students.
- Apart from all this be focused and do what you feel is right instead of following the herd mentality.

When asked to whom does he give the credit for his admission this is what Snehel had to say-:
There was a gap between me and Mica,Catking was the bridge that connected this gap.My efforts were not just there on the other side of the bridge they travelled through the bridge of Catking and made me reach my goal the other side of the bridge i.e Mica Ahmedabad.