Last date for application / registration 30th NOV 2015
Last date for payment 30th NOV 2015
Test Date 20th DEC 2015
Result for SNAP 2015 11th JAN 2016


Each institute is having different Last Date for registration and payment ,you need to register and pay before last dates



CATKing recommends only:


  1. SIBM ( Pune & Bangalore )


  3. SIOM

  4. SITM (If Technology specialist )



SIBM – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management


Last date of Online Line registration 17th DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 19th DEC 2015


SICSR – Symbiosis Institute of Computer Studies and Research

Last date of Online Line registration 12th JAN 2016
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 13th JAN 2016


SIMC – Symbiosis Institute of Media and Communication

Last date of Online Line registration 19th DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 22th DEC 2015


SIBM – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management

Last date of Online Line registration 16th DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 18th DEC 2015


SIIB – Symbiosis Institute Of International Business

Last date of Online Line registration 19th DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 19th DEC 2015


SCMHRD – Symbiosis Centre for Management and Human Resource Development

Last date of Online Line registration 19th DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 19th DEC 2015


SIMS – Symbiosis Institute of Management Studies

Last date of Online Line registration 10th JAN 2016  (11.59pm)


SITM – Symbiosis Institute of Telecom Management 

Last date of Online Line registration 10th JAN 2016  (11.59pm)


SCIT – Symbiosis Centre for Information Technology

Last date of Online Line registration 19th DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 19th DEC 2015


SIOM – Symbiosis Institute of Operations Management

Last date of Online Line registration 17th JAN 2016
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 22nd JAN 2016


SIHS – Symbiosis Institute of Health Sciences

Last date of Online Line registration 30th JAN 2016
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 30th JAN 2016


SSMC Symbiosis school of media and communication

Last date of Online Line registration 10th JAN 2016 (12 midnight)


SSBF – Symbiosis School of Banking & Finance

Last date of Online Line registration 31st DEC 2015
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 06th JAN 2016


SIBM – Symbiosis Institute of Business Management 

Last date of Online Line registration 10th JAN 2016 (Tentative)
Last Date of payment of Registration fees 10th JAN 2016 (Tentative)


CLICK HERE  for more details

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