Reservations at IIMs

Reservations at IIMs

Like every other college in India, there are reservations at IIMs also for the underprivileged section of the society. This is done looking forward to people who are talented but do not have the resources to complete their education. With the benefit of the reservation policy, a lesser percentile candidate can also admit in the most prestigious B schools of India.

The reservation policy followed by IIMs is given below:
  1. 15% seats at the IIMs are reserved for Scheduled Caste (SC), 7.5% seats are reserved for Scheduled Tribe (ST), and 27% seats are reserved for Other Backward Classes belonging to ‘non-creamy’ layer (NC-OBC).
  2. Only those categories mentioned in the Central Government List on the last day of CAT registration are considered for reservation.
  3. 3 percent of the seats are reserved for Persons with Disability (PWD).
  4. The three categories of disability which are considered for reservation are – low vision blindness, hearing impairment, and locomotor disability or cerebral palsy. Candidates suffering from not less than 40% of these disabilities will be considered for reservation.

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Candidates seeking reservation will have to upload their category certificate or disability certificate at the time of registration for CAT 2017.

But the reservation policy also has a drawback. Because of the policy a lot of students who are deserving but all of the general category I unable to get admissions to the desired colleges and have to end up compromising with whatever they get. The process of selection of candidates for an IIM is a very rigorous process but due to the reservations, certain candidates get through the process just for the sake of it. These are not deserving enough to study in these colleges and hence the quality of the batch declines. The decorum of the classes also gets hampered because the students entering through reservations are unable to catch up with the rest of the class and students who have meritoriously gained their seats in the college. Not only students but also the teachers start losing interest in teaching the class because of the ambiguity in the quality of the students.

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These institutes have a number of investors who are concerned about the quality of students which receives it blowback because of the reservations. If the quality starts falling rapidly the investors are also not interested in investing their money in these institutes. So, to get the support of investors and their constant investments the IIMs have to maintain the quality of their students.

Also, if the quality degrades then the reputation of the institute receives a setback. Since these Institute have been marked and one of the best institutes of the country they are bound to maintain their reputation. For this, a check has to be kept on the reservation policy of the institute.

The board members of the IIMs and the government should come to a pact that not only benefits the underprivileged section of the society but also maintains the bad quality of the students that study in the IIMs. It should not be easy for anybody to get through the admission process of these institutes because otherwise, it will become easier to earn money and hence the quality of the workforce will also decline. To combat with all these issues and efficient reservation system should be developed that does not hurt the sentiments of any of the stakeholders of the institute and it also maintains the dignity that the institute has earned over the years


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