Preparations after IPMAT exam

Preparations after IPMAT exam

If you are a student who has just appeared for the IPMAT test, congratulations on completing this important step in your academic journey! The IPMAT, or Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test, is a competitive entrance exam for admission to the five-year Integrated Program in Management (IPM) offered by the Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs). Now that you have completed the test, here are some steps you can take to start your preparations after IPMAT exam:

    1. Review your performance: Once the IPMAT test is over, you may feel relieved but it is important to review your performance. Try to recall the questions you found difficult and the ones that you think you have answered correctly. This will give you a rough idea of how well you performed in the test.
    2. Check the answer key: The conducting authority of the IPMAT releases the answer key a few days after the exam. You can access the answer key on the official website of the IIM that conducted the exam. Look at the solutions and figure out what you should have gotten. You can determine your position relative to the rest of the field in this way.
    3. Start preparing for the next stage: The IPMAT test is just the first step in the admission process. The following step in the selection procedure is typically a combination of a personal interview and a written ability test. Get ready for the next round once you know exactly how well you’ll do. Research the topics that are usually covered in the PI and WAT, and start practicing.

  1. Keep an eye on the cutoff: Each IIM has its own cutoff for admission to the IPM program. The number of candidates, the complexity of the test, and the number of available seats are only a few of the variables that affect the cutoff. Watch the deadline and make sure you have what it takes to get in.
  2. Apply to other colleges: While the IPM program offered by the IIMs is highly sought after, there are several other colleges that offer similar programs. If you don’t meet the cutoff for the IIMs or if you are looking for other options, consider applying to other colleges. Research the colleges that offer similar programs and check their admission criteria.
  3. Relax: Last but not least, remember to relax. The IPMAT test is just one aspect of your academic journey. Don’t let it consume you, relax, do something you enjoy, and hang out with loved ones for a while. Keep in mind that a calm mind is a creative mind.

In conclusion, appearing for the IPMAT test is a significant step towards your academic goals. Once the test is over, it is important to review your performance, check the answer key, and start preparing for the next stage. Always keep an eye on the deadline and don’t be afraid to look elsewhere if you miss it. And don’t forget to kick back and unwind occasionally. With all these preparations after IPMAT exam you can get in your dream institute if you put in the time and effort.

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