MICA GE PI Experience by Sarandha

My group was a jumpy one. Lot of cross talking. I did whatever I could to tie the group together. Gave a lot of ideas also. We managed to come up with a good idea and finished. Just that it was a little chaotic towards the end. But I think I did my part well.
PI (Personal Interview) was really nice. They started off with one of my dislikes, Body shaming, and asked me to design a digital campaign to promote it, I did using Facebook and defined a target audience and all. Tee were some counter questions on that which did answer (came up with some better ideas later but I think I gave the best I could in that moment).
Also Read: Strategies to crack MICA Group Exercise
Then they asked me about a personal incident that impacted me deeply. I answered it and it was linked to this dislike only and they could see how it did affect me. They asked a follow up question on that and liked my answer.
They asked me about my internship at this digital marketing agency FoxyMoron, I explained everything (including products and brands I worked on) they seemed to like my answer because they smiled.
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Then they acknowledged that I had been dedicated to marketing and asked me what roles am I looking at after MICA. I answered this by explaining what I did at Google, what my vision while quitting was and what roles interest me at the moment- Campaign manager and communication manager (explained both too)
Then they asked me to do something creative with AdWords. I came up with something for the remarrying feature and the one who asked the question seemed to be pleased. They asked me about other colleges, I said I want only mica, they asked me if I was that confident. I said ” I don’t know… I have a good feeling” they laughed and asked how I had that feeling. I tried to act all cute and said “I don’t know. Intuition maybe!” And grinned. They laughed a little.
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Then they asked me if I had questions I asked one about their future goals and the other one was “If MICA was a person, who would it be?” They answered the question VERY passionately. The panelist who was answering that spoke for 5 minutes straight. It was really nice
Last question was by Praveen Mishra who asked me if I read the newspaper. I said “Yes. I do” but thoooda reluctantly. He said “Okay thank you” smiled and offered me food.
Also Read: 5 Secrets to make it to MICA
All in all, I was happy as I walked out. They didn’t ask me why mica or why you or anything. I think I answered technical questions well and showed them I have specific roles in my mind for the future. And there was no bad cop. Praveen Mishra was observing me most of the time.