MBA Interviews- Why Design Thinking Business Transformation (ft. Kaustubh, JBIMS Alum)

MBA Interviews- Why Design Thinking Business Transformation (ft. Kaustubh, JBIMS Alum)

About Business Design

This domain needs extremely user centric approach to problem solving which keeps user at the center in all times. From understanding the problem to defining the problem to ideating the solution for a problem. Hence, probability of solution happening goes up manifolds. This leads to breakthrough solutions.

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Empathy Fortnight

As choices change, Dynamic users leads to Dynamic environment. His way of teaching includes this program in which students spend time to interact, observe specific target segment in their actual surroundings. Then they come back to 1 problem that they face & can’t solve it.

Even in the plethora of solutions, finding a unsolved nature of solution is painful so they teach design thinking tools in which they get into the skin of the users, understand the users, find unsolved problems. In the next two months students need to:

  • Find solutions
  • Work on prototypes
  • Try the solution to see if it interests them or not.

Sir’s Advice:

He teaches subjects related to entrepreneurship, new product development, new business models etc.

He pushes students to not just be A in MBA i.e., not just be Administrators rather convert your profession to MBC i.e., Master’s in Business and Creations. Try to focus on Intrapreneurship i.e., who you do in an organization. Have ownership of corporate.

He advises to not to stop dreaming. The day you stop dreaming is the day you go closer to your deathbed.


All the best!!

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