Masters’ Union Interview Experiences

Masters’ Union Interview Experiences

Masters’ Union Interview Experiences

Akhil Khurana

How did you hear about Masters’ Union?

I got to know about Masters’ Union through social media and was intrigued by this business school’s unique concept. I followed up by reaching out to the founding cohort for further information.

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    Tell us about your experience with the Masters’ Union application?

    The Masters’ Union application was thought-provoking and did not solely aim at evaluating academics. Additionally, all of my queries were answered by the admissions team, who was just a phone call away. The essays were the most important aspect of the application, as they examined each candidate’s overall business aptitude. Hence, I spent ample time completing them.

    How was your experience with the MU-BAAT entrance examination?

    One unique aspect of MU-BAAT, in comparison to other management entrance exams, was the assessment of one’s ability to respond to a case based on scenarios encountered in the workplace.

    Can you tell us about your interview experience?

    To be honest, I was a little intimidated before appearing in the interview because speaking to a CXO was a unique experience in itself. My interview was conducted online due to covid constraints and the procedure was absolutely seamless.


    How did you hear about Masters’ Union?

    I discovered Masters’ Union through an online search when I was looking for unique upskilling courses in India. Since then, I’d been following the institute on the news and social media to stay updated.

    Tell us about your experience with the Masters’ Union application?

    The application was really thorough and felt like a holistic and fair evaluation of an individual. The essay submission in the video format pushed me, as an introvert, to go in front of the camera for the first time. I feel this was the first step I took towards pushing my boundaries before starting my journey at MU. The application was merely a trailer of what a sprint at Masters’ Union holds.

    Can you tell us about your interview experience?

    My interview experience was quite pleasant because the master interviewing me was thorough with my application, my essays and even my hobbies. He asked me questions about my passions and diverse hobbies. It felt like I was being tested on how aware I am of my personality and how open I am to change. It was a two-way communication and not a typical interview that evaluates you solely on your academics or experience. I was assessed on every parameter including adaptability, openness to unlearn and relearn and even how well I can communicate my ideas. Overall, it was an enriching experience regardless of the outcome.


    How did you hear about Masters’ Union?

    I came across Masters’ Union through one of the news articles which mentioned a modern-day B-school catering to the new age business problems with technology, along with providing a master-oriented learning experience. This caught my attention and I had to do my bit of research like reaching out to a few first cohort members and the admissions team from whom I got further clarity. Coming from Chennai and having 5 years of work experience, I had to carefully evaluate my path and what I could take from this programme.

    I went ahead with the application process which required me to spend time and do my groundwork. It helped me envision, narrow down my thoughts and find my goal of making the best use of this course and leveraging it for my growth.

    How was your experience with the MU-BAAT entrance examination?

    I had already prepared for other examinations like the GRE and GMAT. I found that the coaching was helpful for the MU-BAAT.

    Can you tell us about your interview experience?

    After getting shortlisted, the interview was tough compared to all other elements of the admission process and needed more preparation considering that I was going to be interviewed by Arun Malhotra – Former MD of Nissan Motor Corporation. I was asked to fly to Gurgaon from Chennai. I had a fixed time slot and my interview went for 45 minutes where Mr Malhotra grilled me to make sure that he got all the insights he needed for my candidature. Overall, it was a wholesome experience and was the furthest thing from a random technical interview.

    When I had the time to reflect on how it went, I understood that it was more about getting to know me as a person, my fitment to the course, my passions, goals, dedication and more. Hence, you can say that the interview is aimed at getting to know the applicant’s potential, and how the individual and the course would add value to each other. After the interview was done, I understood that I should have been even more prepared and that this programme would help me push my limits. That was when I realised MU is an institution that helps you get out of your comfort zone and push your boundaries.


    How did you hear about Masters’ Union?

    I had been looking for programs similar to this for a while, both inside and outside the country. I came across a YouTube interview of Pratham talking about Masters’ Union back in February 2020 and I have had my eye on it since then.

    Tell us about your experience with the Masters’ Union application?

    Filling the application was a thoughtful process and I took my time with completing it, especially the essay section. I also feel it gave me an opportunity to showcase a holistic profile (for example, talking about leadership roles) rather than just evaluating my academic performance.

    How was your experience with the MU-BAAT entrance examination?

    For me, MU-BAAT was something I was actually worried about, since I did not prepare for any other aptitude tests, and this was my only time siting for one. But honestly other than time management, considering my preparedness I didn’t find it to be that intimidating.

    Can you tell us about your interview experience?

    According to my, the best part about the admissions process is the interview. Irrespective of the outcome, I felt that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to be interviewed by one of the Masters and their humility was something I’ll cherish.


    How did you hear about Masters’ Union?

    Last year while preparing for the CAT entrance exam, one of my friends showed me the Masters’ Union’s profile on LinkedIn through which I was first acquainted with Masters’ Union.

    Tell us about your experience with the Masters’ Union application?

    I was filling out multiple applications for the MBA programme and found Masters’ Union’s application to be very thorough, comprehensive & evaluative. It not only included my academic achievements like all the other applications but also tested my ability to think in a structured way and put my thoughts in a crisp and precise manner.

    How was your experience with the MU-BAAT entrance examination?

    The MU-BAAT tested my quantitative & verbal aptitude and also simultaneously tested my ability to handle time pressure.

    Can you tell us about your interview experience?

    After giving multiple interviews of different B-schools, I found that Masters’ Union’s interview was a total surprise. It was the best interview I’ve ever given. The master interviewing me was very inclusive and understanding. He wanted to understand my life’s journey and why Masters’ Union was the right fit for me. I was evaluated on my clarity of thought and my ability to deliver it in a crisp & concise format, which I believe I succeeded in.

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