Life is short own Your life | MBA IIM Motivation

Life is short own Your life | MBA IIM Motivation

Yes, you’ve heard it right “LIFE IS SHORT OWN YOUR LIFE”. Don’t be afraid to accept the changes in your life. Your Life is in your hand just remember that all you got to do is to take full responsibility for your action. No matter what happened yesterday you have today and that is what makes all the difference. Relationship problems focus on your goal, Break-up or heartbreak focus on your goal, Lost someone focus on your goal, Had a fight with family focus on your goal, Nobody believed in you focus on your goal. Every single day just wakes up and do it no matter how difficult it might get. Build a life you’ve dreamt of.


Own Your life

Life is too short so don’t live someone else’s life. Every day can be challenging but don’t let anything distract you from your goal. This life will go on. Live every day as if it were going to be your last. And trust me you can do anything.

Follow Your Passion

People misunderstand Passion with their career. Well, Passion is something which gives you happiness and you can do it rest of your life. Like few people like music and wanted to do it every day they find a way to make it happen and when they do it they are truly passionate about something. These people love to follow their passion because it gives them a sense of happiness.

Big Leap Effect

“If you can’t take a huge step, to begin with, take as big step as you can” apply big leap effect, and take a high jump. When you’re thinking about big leap effect & you’re taking a high jump in the entire project and if you somehow fall you will fall ahead! Not fall back. Live a life applying the big leap effect. The effect will be huge.


Happiness is a choice and so is misery so choose wisely. CAT is a long journey so it depends on you whether to start your preparation with a positive mindset or negative one.


All the Best for your preparation!


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