Life at MICA Ahmedabad

We all know the answers of Why MICA? and How MICA? But one of the most important thing that we all forget to ask or we don’t get the answer of is What in MICA?Let’s take a look into the daily routine of a student at Mica or a Mican like they call themselves.Through this we’ll come to know exactly whether it is our cup of tea or not.
A daily routine of a Mican

8.30 AM
The first thing that you would learn when you stay at Mica or be it any normal hostel life is there you won’t have your mother or any family waking you up from your peaceful slumber. The thing you would hate the most during your life at Mica Ahmedabad is none other than your Alarm Clock.The shrill beep of your alarm or your roommate yelling at you so that you wake up.This is one thing that everyone would experience.
8.50 AM
We all know that we cannot wake up at just one beep of alarm and your roommates yelling.Finally when the realisation hits you and you wake up you are way too late.From finding an available bathroom to rushing and getting your breakfast at time.You obviously get a hang of it and get going smoothly.
9.15 AM
The first lecture starts at 9:15 .One needs to punch their bio-metric attendance and make sure you reach early because there is a queue to punch in the attendance.Give it a few days you’ll get a hang of it.
9.20 Am
So now that you have reached for your lecture grab a seat preferably last row if you didn’t get your beauty sleep because even the night of a Mican is not silent. They have activities like baddy-marathon, movie marathon, heated discussion over an assignment or any competition entry. A Mican is always busy with somethimg or the other. This is one of the reason why join Mica , they give importance to everything.One would never get bored or have nothing to do at Mica.
2.30 PM – 5.30 PM
Afternoon siesta is something that no student at Mica leave. These sessions have such magical power and creates such an atmosphere that every student at Mica feels fresh and rejuvenated. If anyone suffering from insomnia these afternoon sessions bring ray of light in their life.
5.30 PM
The sports arena becomes alive, the gym is also abuzz with activity and some enthusiasts who have just embarked on the journey to fitness.Since you have gulped do much of calories by eating delicious snacks the need to workout increases. Even the most lazy people would be seen stroling around the campus .
9.30 PM
Dinner time arrives and the mess at Mica is different from the typical mess at hostels and universities. It has a wide range of options from the traditional dal batti churma to hungarian delecacies. There is even dessert such as custard served but even after having all these the midnight hunger would definitely hit you.To take care of these hunger pangs there is none other than Chhota where your midnight hunger is sorted.
11 PM
At this point of time you’ll remember all about the assignments and pending work, the latest buzz also cannot be ignored.All these discussions are important and are spoke in a detailed way.
12 AM-Wee hours of night
Even though it is high time you sleep logically but the Mican’s day is not yet over. It would almost be considered as a crime if you do sleep at this point of time at Mica.Usually at this point of time Mican’s settle down for a movie marathon and don’t forget a few trips to Chhota.This would be a usual routine at Mica.
This shows being at MICA is not just studying and slogging yourself.It’s about learning and enjoying the journey.This is what makes it one of a kind or unique than other B-schools.
Some things that would just blow your mind.!
SCAM- Sports Committee at MICA

Mica believes in overall growth of their students. They don’t believe in the traditional way of learning.Sports events at Mica are a must. These sports activities offered by SCAM serves as a pleasant breather for those have the talent and itch to showcase their skills by playing in a more competitive environment. The art of leadership, the tactics of strategic time management and lessons on perseverance are some of the positives from the ground that always help in situations both on and off the field.
SCAM is not just a committee at Mica that is just for sport lovers, it is a committee that abides religiously by the words, “Let there be Sport”.

The Dating Game of Freshers Night
One thing that makes this B-school different than any other institute is that they treat students as their equal not children. They provide independence and let the ideas of students run free.The dating game of fresher night at Mica starts after the first week of your journey of Mica. There is a list announced at the wee hours of the day where the students are coupled with each other. No one knows who is getting paired with who , the main aim of this function or the motive of this session is that the people come to know each other and mingle with different people.

Micanvas is not just a canvas but a board to freeze all the memorable of students at Mica by them itself.It not only showcases your skills as an artist but also freezes your memories where you can live it whenever you want.