gre examination vocabulary



The richness of the English language is measured by the richness of vocabulary known. In the same way, the richness of GRE examination will be measured by the richness in GRE Vocab Words built so far.

GRE examination does not have direct questions of vocabulary but is tested through sentence equivalence, reading comprehension, and text completion. GRE examination can be simple if you study it well and GRE Vocab Words is the secret ingredient of the recipe to crack GRE examination with expected results.


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GRE Vocab Words

GRE Vocab Words

  • zeal

passion or fervor.

  • zooflagellate

flagellate protozoan lacking photosynthesis and other plant-like characteristics.

  • whimsical

fanciful or capricious.

  • volatile

easily changeable or extreme; unstable.

  • vexation

state of being frustrated, irritated, or concerned.

  • verbose

long-winded; loquacious.

  • veracity

Truth and factual accuracy.

  • venerate

to give a high degree of respect; may border on worship.

  • venality

the state of being capable of being bribed.

  • vacillate

to shift between multiple options or opinions.

  • untenable

weak or unsupportable, esp. with respect to an opinion or situation.

  • ubiquitous

ever-present or universal.

  • tortuous

Complicated twisty.

  • torpor

tiredness, lethargy.

  • tirade

an angry rant.

  • timorous

meek or timid.

  • tenuous

weak, flimsy, insubstantial.

  • temperance

moderation and restraint, sometimes used to specifically describe abstinence from alcohol.

  • taciturn

reticent or reserved; tending towards silence.

  • tacit


  • simultaneous

occurring at the same moment.

  • synthesize

to combine disparate parts into a coherent whole.

  • salubrious


  • sedulous

dedicated and careful.

  • sycophant

a fawning, insincere admirer.

  • solicitous

considerate, attentive.

  • supplant

to overtake or replace.

  • supine

laying back with the face upward (opposite position to prone).

  • soporific

makes sleepy.

  • subversive

meant to undercut established institutions or norms.

  • satiate

to completely satisfy.

  • recondite

arcane or obscure.

  • refute

to rebut or disprove.

  • relentless

never stopping, constant.

  • implicit

implied or insinuated without being directly stated.

  • imprudence

bad judgment.

  • impudent


  • inadvertent

by accident or unintentional.

  • Inchoate

rudimentary, in the beginning stages.

  • inconclusive

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indeterminate or unresolved.

  • indefatigable

cannot be made tired.

  • eulogy

memorial speech for one who has passed, normally given at a funeral.

  • exacerbate

to make worse.

  • sparse

scattered or scarce, austere and unadorned.

  • substantiate

to corroborate or give evidence of something.

  • spurious

fake or false, calm and dependable.

  • sporadic

occasional or scattered.

  • specious

spurious; appearing true but actually false.

  • sediment

material that settles at the bottom of a body of water.

  • exacting

challenging, demanding, gruelling.

  • exculpate

to exonerate or vindicate.

  • exonerate

to clear of charges of wrongdoing.

  • expatiate

to elaborate on something in great detail.

  • explicate

to explain in detail.

  • exposition

a thorough explanation.

  • extraneous

irrelevant or superfluous.

  • extrapolate

to estimate or conjecture about the future based on presently available information or facts.

  • facetious

glib or flippant.

  • facilitate

to make something easier or simpler.

  • fallacious

relying on a fallacy and thus incorrect/misinformed.

  • fastidious


  • foment

to foster unrest or discontent.

  • forestall

to hold off or try to prevent.

  • fortuitous

fortunate and lucky.

  • frugal

economical, thrifty.

  • gainsay

deny or oppose.

  • banal

boring, cliché.

  • belie

false impression.

  • benign

gentle, harmless.

  • biased

prejudiced, displaying partiality.

  • burgeon

flourish, bloom, expand or increase quickly.

  • cacophony

loud and chaotic noise.

  • cogent

clearly laid out and persuasive.

  • commensurate

in accordance with, proportional.

  • condone

to approve or allow.

  • quotidian

relating to the everyday or mundane.

  • painstaking

attentive to detail, meticulous.

  • partial


  • partisan

devoted supporter of a group, cause, or person.

  • patent

blatant, obvious.

  • contend

assert or claim.

  • convoluted

roundabout, not straightforward.

  • copious

plentiful or abundant.

  • bolster

to shore up or support.

  • bombastic

overblown, theatrical.

  • brazen

bold or open to the point of shocking.

  • covet

to desire something that does not belong to you.

  • craven

cowardly to the point of being shameful.

  • credence

belief or trust.

  • credulous


  • delineate

to describe very accurately.

  • demur

to object or raise concerns.

  • denigrate

say negative things about, particularly in a defamatory way.

  • disparage

to belittle.

  • disparate

dissimilar to such a degree that comparison is not possible.

  • dissonance

a clash between two elements that don’t blend well.

  • dogma

the official beliefs or tenets of particular sect or group.

  • dupe

to deceive or fool.

  • galvanize

to prod someone into action.

  • garrulous


  • gauche

socially inept, inappropriate, or awkward.

  • germane

relevant to the matter at hand.

  • glib

talking volubly, but carelessly or insincerely.

  • gregarious

sociable, genial.

  • guile

craftiness and cunning.

  • capricious

mercurial, unpredictable, whimsical.

  • castigate

to scold or berate strongly.

  • censure

to express intense condemnation.

  • chauvinist

someone who believes prejudicially that their own group is the superior one.

  • chicanery

trickery or deception.

  • coalesce

to come together, esp. from disparate parts.

  • harangue

diatribe or rant.

  • hedonism

the pursuit of pleasure.

  • infer

to conclude from implicit evidence (as opposed to explicit facts).

  • ingenuous


  • inimical

harmful or hostile.

  • innocuous


  • inscrutable

enigmatic, incomprehensible.

  • insipid

bland, uninspired, inane.

  • insular

tight-knit and isolated; uninterested in matters outside one’s immediate sphere.

  • intensive

concentrated and in-depth.

  • intermediary

a go-between.

  • intractable


  • intransigent

uncompromising, obstinate.

  • intrepid

bold and adventurous.

  • inveterate

ingrained, habitual.

  • invulnerable

indestructible, impervious to harm.

  • irascible

irritable, testy, touchy.

  • irresolute

wishy-washy, hesitant.

  • reproach

to scold or express criticism.

  • repudiate

to renounce or disown.

  • rescind

to take back or retract.

  • reticent

hesitant to speak.

  • reverent

solemn and respectful.

  • rhetoric

the art of effective communication.

  • paucity

scarcity, poverty.

  • pedantic

overly concerned with irrelevant detail, fussy.

  • pedestrian

boring, monotonous, run-of-the-mill.

  • perfidy

treachery or deceit.

  • perfunctory

done without much effort, care, or thought.

  • peripheral

on the edge or periphery; not centrally important.

  • permeate

to pervade or penetrate throughout.

  • perseverance

persistence in the face of obstacles.

  • peruse

to read something carefully and closely.

  • pervasive

found everywhere, widespread; often has a negative connotation.

  • phenomena

things that happen.

  • phlegmatic

cool and unruffled.

  • pith

the essential substance of something.

  • placate

to calm, esp. an angry or upset person.

  • platitude

a trite or cliché statement.

  • plausible

believable, reasonable.

  • plethora

a surplus or overabundance of something.

  • plummet

to fall quickly and far.

  • polarize

to cause a sharp division between two groups.

  • polemical

angry, hostile, harshly critical.

  • pragmatic


  • precarious

uncertain or unstable.

  • preceded

went before.

  • precipitate

to cause.

  • precursor


  • prescient

knowing things before they happen, prophetic.

  • presumptuous

overly familiar; invades social boundaries.

  • prevail

to succeed, esp. with respect to vanquishing an opponent.

  • prevaricate

to evade or deceive without outright lying.

  • prodigal

a reckless spender.

  • prodigious

enormous, immense, gigantic.

  • profligate

extravagant and wasteful, esp. in an immoral way.

  • proliferate

to multiply and spread rapidly.

  • propitiate

to appease someone who is angry.

  • opportunism

the practice of taking advantage of opportunities as they arise without particular concern for morality or ethics.

  • opprobrium

criticism or condemnation.

  • oscillate

to swing back and forth between two points, poles, or positions.

  • ostentatious

overly showy in a way that is gaudy or vulgar.

  • outstrip

to overtake or outrun.

  • overshadow

to appear more notable than.

  • obdurate

stubborn, obstinate.

  • obscure

mysterious or not well-known.

  • obsequious

overly fawning and helpful in a way that is disingenuous.

  • obstinate

stubborn, uncompromising.

  • obviate

to forestall the need for something.

  • occlude

to block or obstruct.

  • occult

the mystical and supernatural.

  • offset

to counterbalance or counteract.

  • olfactory

relating to smell or the sense of smell.

  • omniscience

the quality or state of being all-knowing.

  • onerous

difficult or burdensome.

  • notoriety

fame for doing something negative or criminal.

  • nuance

subtle shades of difference.

  • naive

inexperienced or gullible.

  • nascent

just beginning or in the early stages.

  • neglect

to abandon or leave uncared-for.

  • nonplussed

confused and baffled.

  • mercurial

easily changeable, fickle.

  • meticulous

paying close attention to detail.

  • magnanimity

generosity and nobility of spirit.

  • maladroit

clumsy, awkward, inept.

  • misanthrope

person who hates humanity.

  • mitigate

to improve a painful, unpleasant, or negative situation.

  • malign

evil or harmful.

  • malleable

pliant or pliable.

  • maverick

an unorthodox person or rebel.

  • mendacity

untruthfulness, dishonesty.

  • misanthrope

person who hates humanity.

  • mollify


  • monotony

boredom and repetition.

  • mundane

every day, boring.

  • munificent

very generous.

  • laud

to praise.

  • loquacious


  • laudable


  • loquacious


Once you are done with these basic GRE Vocab Words, then you are all set and prepared for the main plunge of GRE examination through online or offline ways.


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