India’s stand in Global Climate Crisis

India’s stand in Global Climate Crisis

Climate is changing, why aren’t we?

  • India is the 3rd highest CO2 emitter.
  • Country’s emission will continue to rise unless actions are taken to reduce them.
  • COP26 climate deal.

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What’s our take?

  • Five-point strategy dubbed the panchamitra at the 26th conference of parties (COP26).
  • India’s non-fossil energy capacity will reach 500 gigawatts by 2030.
  • By 2030, India will have met 50% of its energy needs with renewable energy.
  • From now till 2030, India will lower overall estimated carbon emissions by one billion tonnes.
  • By 2030, India’s economy will have reduced its carbon density by less than 45 %.
  • By the year 2070, India will achieve the target of Net Zero.

Are we alone in this?

  • Emphasis on the necessity of collaboration i.e. we must all walk together.
  • Only through collaboration will the world be able to establish a global economy based on clean energy.
  • the State department’s recent series on diaspora diplomacy on climate change focused on partnership.
  • The virtual event showcased NRDC’ collaboration with the Administrative staff college of India in Telangana.
  • Future conversations and alliances, such as, diaspora diplomacy, are important if global warming is to stay below the 1.5-degree C or 2.7-degree F threshold.
  • Investing in Green Recovery.




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