How to get scholarships ft. Dr. Ram, academics dean, UPES

How to get scholarships ft. Dr. Ram, academics dean, UPES

How to get scholarships in top b-schools

  • Define your USP i.e. your Unique Selling Point. What do you bring to the table that deserves full support from any institution because honestly, if an institution is paying for your education then they are seeing great value addition that you would do to their program & cohort because diversity of your experience, values, background, learning, skills, nationality etc. Essentially, sum total of what you are and how are you bringing it out.
  • Different kind of things on resume. When you are in a competition for top b-schools of the world/country then you are competing with the top people too. However much you do is not going to be enough.
  • How to keep fire inside you to keep going? Well, to achieve more in sense of purpose gives you the drive, thirst and hunger for what large effect you can create in this world to bring about change at large scale. Look if you are bringing a large impact in the lives of the people around and if not, change your ways & then always look for what’s next.
  • also, when you move in a certain direction, you network around thought-leaders inspiring people towards growth.

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