Hijab Controversy- Part 2

Hijab Controversy- Part 2

How did it start?

  • Six girls in Karnataka’s Udupi district began protesting after they were barred from classes for wearing a hijab.
  • Other PU colleges in Karnataka also banned students from entering the classroom with Hijab.
  • Other community students started wearing saffron scarves.
  • Sparked tension between different communities.
  • Karnataka Government ordered a ban on Hijab
  • Also suggested a uniform dress code for the students
  • Ban led to widespread controversy at the Pan India level.
  • The order was challenged in Karnataka High Court.

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Petitioner’s Vs. State Government’s Stand

Petitioner’s Stand

  • Hijab is an essential religious practice and should be protected under Article 25
  • Hijab is allowed under Kendriya Vidyalaya
  • Indian Army allows Turbans for Sikhs
  • A compulsory dress code is a violation of Articles 19 and 21

State Government’s Stand

  • Hijab is not an Essential Religious Practice
  • The Government order is not violating any Fundamental rights
  • Ban has been ordered as per the Education Act

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Karnataka’s High Court Decision


  • Is hijab an Essential Religious Practice under Article 25?
  • Does the uniform dress code violate Articles 19 and 21?
  • Disciplinary action against the authority?


  • Hijab is not an essential religious practice
  • Schools and Colleges are qualified public places and hence can’t have the absolute rights in public places
  • Religious symbols create social separateness among students and can’t be promoted
  • No disciplinary action against the authority

Way Ahead

  • Opened up a new line of controversy and also a way of exploitation.
  • Girls who used to wear Hijab may feel alienated.
  • Quite possible that their parents may drop their studies to follow their practice.
  • May increase the girls’ dropout and education rate. Girls may get pushed backward socially.
  • Central and State Governments must ensure that such incidents do not take place.
  • Central Government may frame a uniform policy for the whole country.
  • It will promote social co-existence and unity among different religious groups.

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