SNAP Exam 2020: Exam Date|Exam Pattern|Syllabus|Eligibility

SNAP Exam 2020- Symbiosis National Aptitude Test

Conducted by
Symbiosis Institute of Business Management


SNAP Exam 2020 Overivew

SNAP (Symbiosis National Aptitude) Exam 2020  is a nation-wide management admissions test. It is conducted every year by Symbiosis International Deemed University (SIU). SNAP test scores are acceptable for admissions to 15 institutes under the SIU umbrella. The scores are also accepted for admissions to various other MBA or equivalent courses.

Previously, the exam was a pen and paper based test but from this year, the authorities have introduced an online-mode for the exam. Since the exam’s inception, this will be the first year that it will be conducted on the computer.
It is generally a 2 hour duration exam and is conducted in over 102 cities all over India.

Each year, an interactive session of ‘SNAP IT’ is conducted by SCHMRD in 15 cities and 17 locations of India to help the MBA aspirants clear any issues or doubts they might be facing during the exam preparation. SNAP IT was held, at first weekend of december, last year. The usual discussion generally includes any changes in the exam pattern and ways to tackle them. Also, key aspects of the interviews and group discussions are also discussed upon by the members of SCHMRD, who share their personal experience to shed light on the topic at hand. The aspirants are provided a take on the other exams as well.

Learn from SNAP Toppers and make your Symbiosis dream come true



The Eligibility criteria of SNAP Exam 2020 is as follows:

  • Graduates in any discipline from a recognized university or institute with atleast 50% marks (in case of general category) or 45% (for SC/ST candidates) for admissions to the Master of Business Programs.
  • Students in their final year of graduation are also eligible for SNAP.
  • There is no set age limit for SNAP test.
  • Specific subject specializations require a previous degree in the same field.

Important Date 2020

Upcoming Tentative DatesEvents
15th August - 30 August 2020Application
04 December 2020Admit Card
15-20 December 2020Exam
10 January 2020Result

Exam Pattern

SNAP is conducted online. The authorities have moved away with the conventional pen-paper based exam to computer based test.

The pattern for SNAP Exam 2020 is as follows:

  1. SNAP test duration is of 120 minutes
  2. The exam generally commences at 2 pm and will conclude at 4 pm
  3. SNAP Test is an objective test. Therefore,Each question has 4 responses.Thus the Candidate should choose an appropriate response
  4. Each wrong answer attracts 25% negative marks

General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability: 34 Questions for 1.5 marks each correct – Total Marks 51

Analytical & Logical Reasoning: 36 Questions for 1.5 marks each correct – Total Marks 54

Quantitative, Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency: 40 Questions for 1 mark each correct for 35 Questions & 2 marks for 5 special Questions – Total Marks 45

Total Marks 150 (110 Questions)

SNAP Exam Strategy

SNAP Exam 2020 Syllabus

The test has four sections— General English: Reading Comprehension, Verbal Reasoning, Verbal Ability / Quantitative Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency / General Awareness: General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Business Scenario / Analytical & Logical Reasoning.

The detailed syllabus for SNAP exam is given below:
Quantitative Data Interpretation & Data Sufficiency Geometry

This is an important section in all the MBA exam . The basics of all the topics must be clear in this section to score high and thus needs lots of practice. All the quants topics  from  which questions are: Trigonometry,Ratios and Proportion,Number system,Percentages,Work and time,In-equations Quadratic and linear equations Algebra,Partnership, Work, Pipes and Cisterns, Simple Interest & Compound , Interest, Time-Speed-Distance ,HCF &LCM ,Geometric Progression ,Arithmetic progression ,Profit & Loss , Averages ,Arithmetic mean ,Geometric mean ,Number Base System ,Mensuration ,Venn diagram ,Permutations&Combinations

Analytical & Logical Reasoning

This topic includes Data Interpretation based on text, graphs and tables.Column graphs, Bar Graphs ,Functions ,Statements and conclusions ,Pie Chart ,Graphs representing Area ,Critical reasoning ,Coding and decoding Puzzles ,Identifying valid inferences ,Assumption-Premise-Conclusion ,Assertion and reasons ,Line charts , Syllogisms ,Identifying next number in series,  Statements and assumption ,Visual reasoning ,Symbol Based problems , Identifying Strong arguments and Weak arguments ,Cause and Effect, Identifying Probably true ,Matrix arrangements, Family tree – identifying relationship among group of people

General English

Comprehension of passage / Poem  Verbal Reasoning ,Sentence correction , Syllogisms , Odd man out Contextual usage Analogies Fill In the Blanks  One word substitution  Jumbled paragraphs Sentence Correction Antonyms Sentence completion Idioms

General Awareness

Current Affairs ,Famous award and prizes ,International organizations ,Major corporate events ,Sports ,Business ,Punch line of companies ,Entertainment ,World Records ,Automobiles ,Science ,Top officials of big companies , History ,Finance, Geography ,Books and authors Quotations Social issues ,Politics

Exam Centers

SNAP is conducted at the following test centres:

Agra Gangtok Lucknow Ahmedabad Gurgaon Mumbai
Allahabad Guwahati Nagpur Bengaluru Hyderabad Nashik
Bhopal Indore Noida Bhubaneshwar Jaipur Patna
Chandigarh Jamshedpur Pune Chennai Kanpur Surat
Delhi Kochi Shillong Faridabad Kolkata Vashi
Visakhapatanam Kolhapur

SNAP Exam Analysis

This year with the change in the exam structure, there were only three sections viz. General English, Quantitative Ability and Analytical & Logical Reasoning in the paper with 34, 35 and 36 questions in each section respectively. You could have attempted the paper in the sequence of your choice as you were allowed to move from one section to another section. The total time given for the paper was 120 minutes.

Click here for complete SNAP Analysis

SNAP Exam 2020 Application Form

Click Here : Application form link
Candidates willing to apply for SNAP must fill in the application form carefully. Authorities will reject the applications having incomplete or incorrect information.

To apply for SNAP, candidates need to follow the below mentioned steps:

1.Visit the official website
2.Click on the ‘apply’ tab in the homepage
3.The candidate will be redirected a nee page having the SNAP form
4.Enter all the required details. Make sure you enter a valid email ID and a working phone number
5.Upload a recent passport sized scanned color photograph
6.Click submit. Make sure you check all the details before submitting the form. Details once submitted cannot be edited
7.Once the form is submitted, candidate will receive a SNAP ID. The same ID will be used for future reference
8.After the registration details are complete, the candidate needs to pay the application fee of Rs 1500.

SNAP Exam Fees and Admit Card

Candidates can download the admit cards from the official website. They must note that the admit card will be allotted only to those candidates who register successfully for the exam

Also ,Candidates can download the admit cards by following these steps:
1.Log on to the official website
2.Click on the ‘Admit card’ tab on the homepage
3.Enter email ID and password
4.Admit card will appear on the screen
5.Download and take a printout of the same

Once the admit card is printed, candidates must check for the following details:
1.Candidate’s name
2.Roll number
3.Application form number
4.Attested photograph
5.Date, time and venue of examination
6.Instructions related to the exam

After the admit card is printed, a passport size colored photograph attested by a Gazetted Officer needs to be pasted on the admit card. Candidates are also advised to carry any of the following IDs along with the admit card to the exam hall:
2.Driving license
3.College/Institute Identity Card
4.Credit card with photograph
5.Voter ID card
6.Pan Card

Candidates must note that the admit card is an important document that needs to be carried to the exam hall. Also, it is advisable to keep the admit card safely until the entire admission process gets over. In case the admit card is lost, a duplicate Admit Card will not be issued.

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