Digital India: Vision

Digital India: Vision

The Digital India: Vision is to transform India into a digitally knowledgeable economy and empowered society.

Let us first look back at the history of India with respect to digital governance. Till the mid-90s this term was unheard off but after that it took a broader perspective with widespread applications and more citizen-centric services. Much later, most of the UTs/States created a number of e-Governance projects. Although these e-Governance projects were encompassing various key issues keeping the citizens of the country at the centre, they were not impactful enough. The Indian Government put in motion the National e-Governance Plan (NeGP) in the year 2006. The plan comprised of Thirty one Mission Mode Projects encompassing a variety of domains. This was successful implemented by the government across the country but, it was too far off from achieving all of its objectives and creating the huge impact that was envisioned. 

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After careful analysis it has been found that huge effort is mandated from the government’s side to popularise e-Governance in the country for growth in all sectors which would cover all sectors including devices, goods and services and job opportunities. The key insight was that manufacturing in the field of electronics in the country needed to be enhanced. 

Metamorphosis of the entire ecosystem services in the public sector by the use of information technology was required, therefore the government of India launched the Digital India: Vision with the objective to transform India into a digitally knowledgeable economy and empowered society

The important ICT initiatives of the Government constituted, inter government, some major projects such as computerization of the entire railway sector, computerization of the record of land, etc. which emphasised mostly on the information systems development. Afterwards, many UTs/States initiated ambitious individual e-governance projects aimed at providing services in the field of electronics to citizens.

Very less impact of the e-governance projects because of its limited features although they were citizen-centric. The alone and least interactive systems brought out major gaps that were creating a hindrance in the successful approval of e-governance along the entire galaxy of governance. There point was towards good planning with a proper vision in place, mission, objectives, strategy and an implementable action plan to establish a more connected government.

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