What to Consider Before Booking Your GRE Exam Date

GRE exam date: So you have gone through all the turmoil and finally decided to book your GRE exam date. So what is it that is stopping you now? From achieving a study abroad dreams? Ok nevertheless remember whenever you are trying to fill out the form. Do not be...

How to create a good Resume | MS Applications

If you are planning to study abroad. Or are thinking to start your preparation for GMAT. A resume platform to the candidate to showcase there best side. A resume tells a story about the candidate. It is much more than you think. Not only does it include your skills...

University or college: what is the difference?

In our day to day life, we often confused between the world University and college. We almost use them synonymously. University is regulated by an educational body called UGC. The US does not have a dedicated body for the same. So if you have study abroad plans. Things might...