Exam Preparation


How to start your preparation? Preparing for CAT 2022 without proper guidance can be overwhelming and exhausting. Higher chances are there to get burned out and that’s why mentorship is highly suggested here. Without further ado, let’s get on-board with the preparation method. The paramount trait each aspirant must have regardless...


Why is April the perfect Month to start your Preparation? If you are someone who has started your preparation or is thinking to start it in April, then you bumped into an article highly relevant to your interest. April has been a crucial month in MBA exams journey as this...

Must do GD PI Topics for MBA Interviews

Group Discussions are an integral part of any B school selection criteria. Based on your group discussion, the panellists judge you on various personality aspects. That is the reason, the GD topics are diverse and there are varied types of group discussions. The GD Topics could range from social...

CAT Syllabus, exam pattern and important dates.

CAT Syllabus, paper pattern, and important dates What is CAT? CAT is touted to be one of the most sought after exams to get into an IIM or any other prestigious B Schools. But to reach that milestone you have to carefully devise a strategy. Moreover, a plan of action to...

Things to DO before CAT Exam Day

  This long journey of CAT will finally be over tomorrow. We understand you must be going through a series of emotions right now. In the next few hours, you will be sitting for the exam you have been preparing for so long. For some last moment trips and tricks,...

Strategy for XAT

Strategy for XAT XAT or the Xavier Aptitude Test is organized by XLRI (Jamshedpur), every year. XAT scores are applicable to the admission processes of around 100+ colleges. In terms of difficulty levels, XAT is considered to be the toughest of all MBA Entrance exams. Thus one needs a proper...