MBA Colleges

Every year thousands of eager candidates apply to top MBA colleges each year. The MBA is a rite of passage for business professionals; a skill-upgrader; and a door-opener to exciting career opportunities.

Now comes the question of how to choose the right MBA College which is the best fit for you? What are the key parameters that should guide you in making the right choice?

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10 Points Guide to Selecting the Best MBA College  
Use our step-by-step guide to decide on your MBA College. Evaluate MBA colleges systematically based on the following parameters:

  1. Exam Accepted & their Cut Off: Check your eligibility
  2. MBA Vs PGDM: Select type of MBA College carefully
  3. Fee: Calculate the Total Amount you will spend, not just the Tuition Fee
  4. Placements: Check Average Salary and Top Recruiters
  5. Ranking & Accreditation: Trust only the best
  6. Faculty: The most important criteria, research wisely
  7. Location: Either prefer Top Cities for MBA or Top Colleges
  8. General MBA or Specialized MBA: Match your aptitude
  9. Legacy & Alumni Base: Network Matters
  10. Infrastructure & Facilities: Good Ambience aids Great learning

Let’s bring our journey and understand each of the above parameters.

How to create a good Resume | MS Applications

If you are planning to study abroad. Or are thinking to start your preparation for GMAT. A resume platform to the candidate to showcase there best side. A resume tells a story about the candidate. It is much more than you think. Not only does it include your skills...

Entrepreneurship at BML Munjal University

Entrepreneurship at BML Munjal University BML Munjal University (BMU), being part of Hero Group has laid emphasis on innovation and entrepreneurship right from the inception. All programs at the university have courses on creativity, problem-solving and innovation/entrepreneurship. Recently, the university has stepped up the focus and established Institute of Innovation...