CAT Strategy from May Month | Preparation Strategy | Books | Mocks | Target Setting

CAT Strategy from May Month | Preparation Strategy | Books | Mocks | Target Setting

CAT strategy from May month – a quick read


Arrange books before starting your prep and don’t waste time looking for them during the course of your prep. Two books which are well known for preparation are Sarvesh Verma and Arun Sharma. If you want to start from the very basics, you can also pick  NCERT. This won’t help you in solving CAT questions directly, but will brush up your basics if that is what you need.

Start you prep now!!

To CATKing students, it is a must to prepare from CATKing bible Lod 1 and Lod 2. As the name suggests bible, it has all the answers you are looking for

CAT strategy from may month

Also, as CAT is online, therefore, it is highly recommended to study online rather than reading and solving books. This will help you prepare for the exam.

2)Preparation Strategy:

Month Hours
April, May 2
July, August 3
September 4,,5,6,…..( whatever you feel is enough)

Start preparing for 2 hours daily to adjust to the routine and develop a rhythm. From June onwards, be a little aggressive and increase the time devoted to 3 hours. From September, you will need to increase the time you put in till you feel it is enough as per you. So, Go  beast mode here and turn the world upside down till you feel satisfied and confident in your preparation.

CAT strategy from may



Type of Student No. of mocks
Average Student 20
Serious Student 30
CATKing Student 60

 Start giving mocks

Mocks are one of the most crucial elements in your preparation journey. Most people that register for the CAT exam do not give even 20 mocks. This is your chance to get ahead of the herd. Analysis is as important as giving the mocks. Analyze what went wrong and what you need to work on to improve with each mock.

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