CAT 2022 – Avoid these mistakes on the exam day

CAT 2020 - Avoid these mistakes

CAT 2022 – Avoid these mistakes on the exam day

While preparing for an entrance exam for therefore long, (like 8 to 9 months), nobody wants to lose his/her chance to ace the exam thanks to silly and tiny mistakes or errors. Hence it’s crucial that there are certain errors which the candidates must avoid at any cost on the day of the exam. it’s generally observed that despite impeccable preparation for CAT, the feeling of nervousness, over-thinking, or over-excitement could lead to one to make some mistakes that were easily avoidable. This might just prove fatal and one might end up being at the receiving end. Here some tips are given below which could help a CAT aspirant to avoid mistakes on the exam day like carrying important documents to the test center, sound sleep every day before the exam, reporting at the test center well before the scheduled time, guidelines and directions that need to be followed inside the exam hall so on then forth.

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Following are the mistakes that you should try to avoid for CAT 2020

Sleep well before the exam day to avoid distraction

It is generally seen that thanks to anxiousness, candidates aren’t able to sleep every day before the exam. Most of the aspirants plan to grasp many things just before the night before the exam thereby resulting in a lack of sleep. The absence of sound sleep slows down the active mind on the exam day. So, it’s highly recommended even by the experts that candidates must have a sound sleep so as that their mind remains alert on CAT exam day

Be ready with all the documents required for CAT 2020 

To avoid any haphazard situation on exam day, aspirants should assemble all their necessary documents for the exam a minimum of three to four days before the exam. These necessary documents generally include – CAT Admit card and a legitimate Identity proof for the exam. On the exam day, aspirants should remain calm and can not get anxious.

Not preparing all topics equally

Another area of concern is when students do not devote ample time to understand the concepts and jump to another topic. Don’t be in a hurry to complete the course instead focus on understanding the basic concepts of each area. When the concept of knowledge is incomplete, then students perform poorly within the exam. For instance, in critical reasoning questions, one should have a correct understanding of the terms like inference, assumptions, etc. One has got to understand the question types for individual sections.

On D day – Reach the exam center at least 30 minutes early

To remain calm and composed at the time of examination, it is necessary to achieve the examination center on time. One should leave from their home as per their suitability and according to the space between their home and CAT exam center. Reaching late at the center may convince to be detrimental together won’t be allowed to look for the exam. Most of the time it’s seen that latecomers had to face the brunt as they were disallowed from appearing within the exam.

Get the document verification done early on

Before the candidate enters the test hall, he or she must get their documents verified at the entry gate. This includes getting the admit card and valid photo identity proof being checked at the test center of CAT. The documents should be presented in the original at the test center so that there is no quite an impersonation. Candidates cannot afford to commit an error at the time of document verification. If because of some reason, the candidate commits an error of not getting his documents checked, then must quickly catch on done so on avoid any disqualification at a later stage.

The procedure of Biometric Verification

After completing the document verification process, candidates got to complete the procedure of biometric verification. this is often the last step that possesses to be completed before one proceeds to require a seat for the exam within the test hall. At the time of the biometric verification, candidates left thumb impression and photograph would be captured which they might be required to sign the attendance sheet.

CAT 2020 – Avoid these mistakes during the exam

Not keeping the track of time

Along with the completion of the exam, there’s another challenge that faces which is to end the given section within the stipulated time as there is no returning to the section when one has already completed it. So, candidates, while attempting the paper must understand the game of some time and therefore the way they’re going to manage the same. Therefore this is often another error to avoid on exam day of CAT 2020.

Getting stuck on one question for a long time

Sometimes, candidates invest such tons of their time on one question and expect that they are getting to get the right answer but they end up losing time only. Therefore it’s suggested that if one is investing the time quite required, on a problem, they need to leave that question right there and move onto answering the one which is a smaller amount difficult.

Not reading the questions carefully

Before attempting the question, candidates must read the question carefully. it has been seen among the candidates that either they’re doing not read the questions carefully or thanks to over-excitement for attempting it, they have the tendency to skip a selected part, thereby changing the whole meaning.

Hasty guesswork

There are very minimal cases and chances where ‘guesswork’ works. Though, candidates can choose to eliminate the alternatives to urge the right option but should strictly avoid the guess add the exam as there are very rare chances of getting the guessed choice correct. it’d be the foremost important error among all the errors made by the students while taking the exam.

Panicking during the exam

One should stay composed, cool and calm and can not get panic throughout the hours of examination because the moment you start getting panic, you start losing your focus which causes you to require to travel out of the track. So, it’s recommended that one should calmly affect the exam albeit the most a neighborhood of the paper is difficult to understand.

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