IPMAT – Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test

Conducted by Indian Institute of Management Indore


Integrated Program in Management Aptitude Test (IPMAT) is conducted by the Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM Indore). The national level test is a gateway for admission to the five-year Integrated Program in Management offered at IIM Indore. The IPMAT exam will be conducted on July 16, 2021.

IPMAT is a computer-based test mode followed by Written Ability Test (WAT) and Personal Interview (PI). The program is spread across a period of 5 years and consists of 15 terms. Every year constitutes 3 terms of 3 months duration.

IPMAT Indore 2021 Eligibility Criteria: 

  1. Candidate should have been born on or after August 01, 1999 (5 years of relaxation to the candidates from SC/ST/PwD category will be given i.e. born on or after August 01, 1994)

  2. The candidate should have passed Standard XII/HSC or equivalent examination in 2018, 2019 or 2020

  3. Candidate should have a minimum of 60% in standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations (55 % for the candidates from SC/ST/ PwD category)

Note 1: Candidates who are likely to complete standard XII/ HSC or equivalent by the end of June 30, 2021 can also apply, subject to meeting the eligibility criteria as mentioned above. If selected, such candidates will be offered admission to the programme provisionally. At the time of registration, such candidate must have to produce standard X/ SSC and standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations mark sheet (securing minimum marks, as indicated above) along with school-leaving certificate/migration certificate, failing which the candidate’s provisional admission offer will stand canceled.

Note 2: The percentage of marks obtained by the candidate in X and XII Standard would be calculated based on the aggregate marks of all subjects that appear in the mark sheet/grade sheet, irrespective of the Board’s regulation. In case the candidates are awarded letter grades or grades points instead of marks, the conversion of grades to the percentage of marks would be based on the procedure certified by the Board/ Competent Authority.

IPMAT   Rohtak 2021 Eligibility Criteria

  1. Minimum 60% in Standard X/ SSC and Standard XII/ HSC or equivalent examinations (55% for the candidates from SC/ ST/ PwD category)

  2. Maximum 20 years of age as of July 31, 2020

  3. Reservation will be applicable as per GOI norms after meeting the minimum eligibility criteria.

Note: Students, who are likely to complete Standard XII/ HSC or equivalent by July 31, 2011, can also apply subject to meeting the IPMAT 2021 eligibility criteria as mentioned above

IPMAT Exam Pattern 2021

IPMAT is an online Computer-based test. The duration of the exam is 2 hours. A total of 100 questions are asked in three sections namely Quantitative Ability (MCQ), Quantitative Ability (Short Answer Question-SA), and Verbal Ability (MCQ). The candidate must attempt the sections in a pre-specified order which is same for all the candidates. Each question carries 4 marks. Except for Quantitative Ability(SA) section, 1 mark will be deducted for each wrong answer. There is no negative marking for not attempting a question.

IPMAT Sections: 

Quants (MCQs): 40 questions (40 mins)

Quants (SA): 20 questions (40 mins)

Verbal Ability (MCQs): 40 questions (40 mins)

Colleges Accepting IPMAT 

  1. IIM Indore (IPMAT Indore)

  2. IIM Ranchi

  3. Nirma University, Institute of Management, Ahmadabad

  4. IIM Rohtak (IPMAT Rohtak)
