CAT Score Weightage In All Top IIMs | Criteria | Selection Process

CAT Score Weightage In All Top IIMs | Criteria | Selection Process

CAT Score Weightage in IIM’s – a quick read

Let’s get to the point straight away!


CAT Weightage(%)

IIM Bangalore 40
IIM Indore 20
IIM Ahmedabad 65
IIM Calcutta 56
IIM Lucknow 60
IIM Udaipur 60
IIM Trichy 50

First and foremost advice for students aiming for such top colleges and having low history of scores in 10th, 12th or graduation, is to aim for a very high score in CAT. As you can see above, many of these colleges before rolling out calls have a high amount of CAT score weightage. So, no use of cribbing over the past when you have an opportunity to better your future. There is still a lot that you can achieve.

Prepare for CAT in a smart way

But what to do if you did not score as much in CAT as required?

You still have hope!

CAT score weightage hope

As times are changing, many colleges are shifting towards profile based calls from heavy reliance ob CAT score weightage which means that you can get into top colleges even if you didn’t score as well in CAT as you would have liked. All of this depends on your profile. Some of the colleges with profile based calls are SP Jain, IMT Ghaziabad etc.

Build profile through certifications

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