How to prepare for NMAT logical Reasoning

nmat logical reasoning

How to prepare for NMAT logical Reasoning

NMAT is an exam conducted by GMAC to get admissions into Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies (NMIMS) and some other top-ranked private colleges. NMAT exam is known to be one of the most prestigious exams for management courses in India. The NMAT exam is held every year from October to December and this year as well it will be conducted from 14th October 2020 to 27th December 2021. In this article, we give you tips and tricks for the NMAT Logical Reasoning section.

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Exam pattern of NMAT 2020 (Revised)


Number of Questions

Allotted Time

Language Skills


28 minutes

Quantitative Skills


52 minutes

Logical Reasoning


40 minutes


 108 questions

120 minutes

NMAT Logical Reasoning section consists of:

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non Verbal reasoning or Analytical Reasoning

Verbal Reasoning: Important topics to be prepared.

  • Course of Action
  • Strong Arguments
  • Implicit Assumptions
  • Inference based questions
  • Strong/Weak Arguments

Critical Reasoning questions: Students need to understand the meaning of the term “Inference” nicely and one should attempt some questions based on critical reasoning to have a better understanding of the type of questions asked.

Tips for Critical Reasoning in NMAT:

  1. Identify the conclusion. The conclusion does not necessarily come at the end of the text; it may come somewhere in the
    middle or even at the beginning. Be alert to clues in the text that an argument follows logically from another statement or statements in the text.
  2. Determine exactly what each question asks. You might find it helpful to read the question first, before reading the material on which it is based; don’t assume that you know what you will be asked about an argument. An argument may have obvious flaws, and one question may ask you to detect them. Other questions may direct you to select the one answer choice that does NOT describe a flaw in the argument.
  3. Read all the answer choices carefully. Do not assume that a given answer is the best without first reading all the choices.

Non-Verbal Reasoning: Important topics to be prepared:

In this section, the majority of the questions appear from areas like analytical puzzles, alpha-numeric series, blood relations, coding-decoding, Symboperation, Input-output, Syllogism, etc. Besides that, the questions on different areas of verbal reasoning like implicit assumptions, courses of action, and conclusions also appear in a sufficient number. The question on deductive reasoning known as syllogism appears with three statements and three conclusions or four conclusions as well. Revising the concept of complementary pairs in a syllogism is a must for solving all the syllogism questions. You are advised to revise the concept of the above-mentioned areas in a thorough manner.

Overall the level of difficulty of logical reasoning questions varies from easy to moderate. The question based on alpha-numeric series and coding can be put into the easy category, whereas the questions on Syllogism and analytical reasoning can be put into the medium category. To increase your speed and accuracy in this section, it is important that you do sufficient practice of all types of reasoning questions. Though all areas of reasoning need to be covered, a careful study of the previous papers reveals that some topics are more important than the others.

Some tips for the nonverbal reasoning section:

  1. Revise the topics you are confident in. This will help you achieve good attempts.
  2. Visualize the problem in your head. Draw a rough diagram, grids or tables based on the information given.
  3. In Data Analysis questions, it is useful to eliminate not possible answer choices to help with the elimination process.
  4. Read carefully: Read the entire problem or situation carefully as sometimes in a hurry we might miss some important points.
  5. You should focus on one topic at a time, even though there might seem to be an overlap of topics, go one by one.

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