List of Phobias

List of Phobias

List of Phobias

Phobias are one of the most common mental illnesses. The knowledge of important phobias list is critical as the topic is covered under the general awareness section of various government exams and other competitive exams. Read the article to know about the list of Phobia.


What is Phobia?

Phobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It is an irrational fear of some object or environment or something that is unlikely to cause any harm to the person. The word Phobia is derived from the Greek word ‘phobo’ which means horror or fear. The phobia typically results in a rapid onset of fear and is present for more than six months.



The Four Major Specific Phobia Categories

Phobias broadly fall under four categories as mentioned below:

  1. Fear related to Natural Environment (Astraphobia, Dendrophobia, Hydrophobia )
  2. Fear related to Animals (Batrachophobia, Cynophobia, Equinophobia)
  3. Fear related to Mutilation/ Medical Treatment (Trypanophobia, Dentophobia, Hemophobia)
  4. Fear related to Situations (Claustrophobia, Aerophobia, Glossophobia)


Here’s the list of Phobias

Sr. No. Word of Phobia Meaning
1. Acrophobia An extreme or irrational fear of heights
2. Aerophobia An irrational fear of fresh air or drafts of air
3. Autophobia Fear of being egotistical, being alone or isolated
4. Algophobia A phobia of pain
5. Altophobia An abnormal fear of heights
6. Anorexia An emotional disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight by refusing to eat
7. Agoraphobia An extreme or irrational fear of open or public places
8. Bathophobia An abnormal and persistent fear of depths
9. Bibliophobia Fear or hatred of books
10. Cacophobia Fear of ugliness and things that are ugly
11. Centrophobia A dislike of being in the center
12. Cellophobia An extreme fear of beauty
13. Chronophobia Fear of Time
14. Cynophobia Fear of dogs
15. Claustrophobia An extreme or irrational fear of confined places
16. Demonomania A delusion of being possessed by evil spirits
17. Dipsophobia An abnormal and persistent fear of drinking alcohol
18. Ergophobia An abnormal and persistent fear of work or finding employment
19. Gamophobia Fear of getting married, being in a relationship, or commitment
20. Genophobia Physical or psychological fear of sexual relations or sexual intercourse


Geraphobia Fear of old age
22. Gnosiophobia Fear of knowledge
23. Gynephobia Fear of women
24. Graphophobia Fear of writing or handwriting
25. Hodophobia An irrational and intense fear of travel
26. Hedonophobia Excessive fear or aversion to obtaining pleasure
27. Hematophobia Fear of disease
28. Logophobia Obsessive fear of words
29. Anemophobia An extreme fear of wind or drafts
30. Nyctophobia An extreme or irrational fear of the night or of darkness
31. Pharmacophobia Fear of medication
32. Thanatophobia Fear of death
33. Triskaidekaphobia Extreme superstition regarding the number thirteen
34. Hydrophobia Fear of water
35. Phobophobia Fear of Fears
36. Agoraphobia Fear of places that triggers helplessness
37. Podophobia Fear of Feet
38. Chionophobia Fear of Snow
39. Arithmopobia Fear of Numbers
40. Iatrophobia Fear of going to Doctors
41. Brontophobia Fear of Thunder and Lightning
42. Tachophobia Fear of Speed
43. Arachnophobia Fear of Spiders
44. Anthophobia Fear of Flowers
45. Hexakosioihexekkontahexaho Fear of Number 666
46. Heliophobia Fear of Sunlight
47. Chorophobia Fear of Dancing
48. Ablutophobia Fear of Bathing
49. Dendrophobia Fear of Trees
50. Batrachophobia Fear of Lizards
51. Cynophobia Fear of Dogs
52. Equinophobia Fear of Horses
53. Trypanophobia Fear of Injection
54. Dentophobia Fear of Dentists
55. Hemophobia Fear of Blood
56. Glossophobia Fear of Public speaking

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